Language Specification

Detailed specification of the Swamp programming language


Comments help you explain your code. Swamp has three types: regular line comments (//) for quick notes, block comments (/* */) for longer explanations, and documentation comments (///) that automatically generate readable documentation for your code. Documentation comments are special because they help others understand how to use your code and appear in tooltips in your editor.

// Regular line comments - for implementation notes
player_health = 100      // Start health value

/* Block comments - for longer explanations
   that span multiple lines and can contain
   lists, examples, etc. **Markdown** will be supported in the future. */

/// Documentation comments - generate external documentation
/// These comments should explain the purpose and usage
/// of the following item (struct, function, field, etc.)
struct Player {
    /// The player's current position in the world
    position: Point,
    /// Current health points (0-100)
    /// When this reaches 0, the game is over
    health: Int,
    /// Movement speed in units per second
    /// Affected by equipment and status effects
    speed: Float,


Variable Definition

Defining a variable in Swamp is simple:

player_name = "Hero"

You don't need to declare type, it is implied. Use snake_case1 for variable names.

When you create a variable, it's immutable by default. This means once you set its value, it can't be changed. If you need to change it later, mark it as mutable with mut as you declare it.

player_name = "Hero"    // Immutable - cannot be changed
mut health = 100        // Mutable - can be reassigned
health = 101

Variable Reassignment

Only mutable variables can be given new values. This helps prevent accidental changes and makes your code easier to understand.

// Mutable variables can be reassigned
mut score = 0       
score = score + 100 
score = score * 2   

Variable Scope and Lifetime

Variables only exist within their scope (the block of code where they're defined). There are no global variables, so any variables that you need to access within a function must be given to it as a parameter. However, a variable can be accessed inside a nested scope (such as within an if statement or for loop). When the scope ends, the variable is automatically cleaned up.

    power_up = spawn_powerup()    // Power-up exists in this scope
    if player.collides_with(power_up) {
        mut bonus = 100
        bonus *= 2  // Local multiplication
        player.score += bonus
                mut new bonus cool thing = power_up
    // bonus is not accessible here
}   // power_up is automatically cleaned up here


Function Definition

fn my_function(parameter: Type) {

Functions are declared with fn followed by the function name (in snake_case1) and parameters in parentheses. Each parameter also needs a declared Type (upper CamelCase2).

Functions that Return Values

fn add(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {

If the function will return a value, the parameters are followed by a ->and a Type declaration for the return value. By default, the function will return the last expression of its definition.

If you need to, you can write return to escape the function with a value before the last line.

fn my_function(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
    if a > b {
        return 100

Parameter Mutability

Functions can choose whether they want to modify their parameters by using mut.This helps make it clear which functions will change the values passed to them and which will just read them.

It is generally recommended to use immutable parameters and return the result, unless there are big types that can cause performance issues.

// Mutable parameter example
fn apply_damage(mut target: Entity, damage: Int) { -= damage
    if <= 0 {
        target.state = EntityState::Downed

// Immutable parameter example
fn calculate_distance(player: Point, target: Point) -> Float {
    dx = target.x - player.x
    dy = target.y - player.y
    (dx * dx + dy * dy).sqrt()

Types of Functions

Swamp has three types of functions that help you organize your code:

Member Functions

These operate on an instance of a type, accessed using a dot notation. They can modify the instance if marked with mut.

impl Player {
    /// Reduces player health and handles incapacitation
    fn take_damage(mut self, amount: Int) { -= amount
        if <= 0 {
            self.state = State::Incapacitated

    /// Calculates distance to target
    fn distance_to(self, target: Point) -> Float {
        dx = target.x - self.position.x
        dy = target.y - self.position.y
        (dx * dx + dy * dy).sqrt()

// Usage:
distance = player.distance_to(enemy.position)

Associated Function Calls

These belong to the type itself, not instances. They're called using double colon notation (::) and are often used for instantiation or utility functions.

impl Weapon {
    // Factory method
    fn create_sword() -> Weapon {
        Weapon {
            damage: 10,
            range: 2.0,
            weapon_type: WeaponType::Sword

sword = Weapon::create_sword()

Standalone Functions

In Swamp, standalone functions (functions not associated with any type) are rarely used because it's usually better to organize functions as part of a relevant type. However, they can be useful for certain utility operations or when interfacing with system-level features. Or you want to have a short name to call it with.

/// Logs a debug message to the console
fn log(message: String) {
    // ... write to console/file

Basic Types

Swamp provides fundamental types for storing different kinds of data: Integers (Int) for whole numbers, Floating-point numbers (that in reference implementations are Fixed Point numbers) for decimal values, Booleans (Bool) for true/false conditions, and Strings (String) for text.


health = 100     

Integer Operations

  • Add +
  • Subtract -
  • Multiply *
  • Divide /
  • Remainder %

Integer Comparisons

  • Equal ==
  • Not Equal !=
  • Less Than <
  • Less or Equal to <=
  • More Than >
  • More or Equal to >=


Floats are always written with one decimal, to keep them apart from Ints.

speed = 5.5      

Float Operations

  • Add +
  • Subtract -
  • Multiply *
  • Divide /

Float Comparisons

  • Equal ==
  • Not Equal !=
  • Less Than <
  • Less or Equal to <=
  • More Than >
  • More or Equal to >=


is_jumping = true 

A Boolean can only have two different values, true or false.

Boolean Operations

  • And &&
  • Or ||
  • Not !


player_name = "Hero" 

Strings are written in quotation marks "". If you need to use quotation marks within the string, you can use backslashes like this \".

dialog = "Guard: \"Stop right there!\""

String Access

player_name = "Hero"
player_name[1..3] // returns "er"
player_name[1..=3] // returns "ero"

String Assignment

mut player_name = "Hero"
player_name[0..2] = "Ze"
player_name[0..=1] = "Ze"

Escape Sequences

  • \n - newline
  • \t - tab
  • \\ - the character \
  • \' - the character '
  • \" - the character "
  • \xHH - inserts an octet in string. (e.g. '\xF0\x9F\x90\x8A' = 🐊)
  • \u(HHH) - inserts unicode character as utf8. (e.g. '\u(1F40A)' = 🐊)

String Operations & Member Functions

  • .len() Returns length (in characters).
  • + Concatenate two strings into one.

String Interpolation

String interpolation lets you embed values and expressions directly in your text using curly brackets {} in a single quotation mark declaration.

// Basic interpolation
name = "Hero"
message = 'Welcome, {name}!'

Anything within the curly brackets will be handled like regular code: you can include simple variables, complex expressions, and even format them with special modifiers for precise control over how they appear.

// Expression interpolation
status = 'HP: {health * 100 / max_health}'

String Interpolation Formatting

You can specify how the interpolation formats itself using by adding : after a variable within the brackets.

  • Lowercase hexadecimal :x
  • Uppercase hexadecimal :X
  • Binary :b
  • Floating point precision :.1f (number indicates how many decimals to show)
  • String padding :.1s (number indicates how many digits to show)
// Format specifiers
number = 255
hex_lower = 'Item ID: {number:x}'        // "Item ID: ff"
hex_upper = 'Item ID: {number:X}'        // "Item ID: FF"
binary = 'Flags: {number:b}'             // "Flags: 11111111"

// Floating point precision
pi = 3.1415
coords = 'Position: {pi:.2f}'            // "Position: 3.14"

// String padding
score = 12
padded_score = 'Score: {score:.5s}'      // "Score: 00012"

Composite Types

These are more complex types that let you group data together in different ways.


Arrays are ordered lists of items of the same type. You can create them, access their elements by position (starting at 0), and modify them if they're mutable.

Array Type Declaration

fn my_function (my_list: [Int]) {}

When declaring a list as a parameter, add square brackets [] surrounding the Type that the list will take.

Array Member Functions

  • Add item to end of list (must have same Type) .add(item)
  • Remove the item and index .remove(index)

Array Instantiation

// Initialize positions
spawn_points = [ Point { x: 0, y: 0 }, Point { x: 10, y: 10 }, Point { x: -10, y: 5 } ]

Array Access

waypoints = [ Point { x: 0, y: 0 }, Point { x: 10, y: 10 } ]
next_pos = waypoints[1]

waypoints[0..2] // returns first two items
waypoints[0..=1] // also returns the first two items

Array Assignment

mut high_scores = [ 100, 95, 90, 85, 80 ]
high_scores[0] = 105
high_scores[0..2] = [32, 44]


Maps are collections that store pairs of values, where you use one value (the key) to look up another (the value).

Map Declaration

fn my_function(my_map: [Key: Value]) {} 

A map looks similar to a list, but has two types within the square brackets []. The first type is used as the lookup key.

Map Instantiation

// Spawn points for different level names
spawn_points = [
    "Starting Level": Point { x: 0, y: 0 },
    "Second Level": Point { x: 100, y: 50 },   
    "Secret Area": Point { x: -50, y: 75 },  

Remember that each following Key/Value pair must have the same types as the last.

Map Access

spawn_points = [ "Starting Level": Point { x: 0, y: 0 }, "Second Level": Point { x: 100, y: 50 } ]
start_pos = spawn_points["Starting Level"]     // Get starting position

Map Assignment

mut spawn_points = [ "Starting Level": Point { x: 0, y: 0 } ]
spawn_points["Starting Level"] = Point { x: 10, y: 10 }    // Update spawn point


Structs let you create your own data types by grouping related values together.

Struct Definition

To define a struct, simply write struct followed by the name of your Struct in upper CamelCase (as it will become a Type) and some curly brackets {}. Inside the brackets, you list each field the Struct will contain (and their Types).

struct Player {
    position: Point,
    health: Int,
    mana: Int,
    speed: Float

Struct Instantiation

Once a Struct is defined, you can create a an instance of it. When you do, you have to set each field of the Struct to a value.

player = Player {
    position: Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 },
    health: 100,
    mana: 50,
    speed: 5.0
Partial Initialization with Defaults (..)

When using .. for partial initialization, Swamp follows a structured process to ensure all fields are correctly filled:

1.Check for a Default Trait Implementation on the Struct:

  • If the struct type being instantiated has an impl Default block, Swamp:
    1. Initializes the struct using the values returned by default() function.
    2. Overwrites any fields that are explicitly set during instantiation.
struct Player {
    name: String,
    health: Int,
    mana: Int,
    speed: Float

impl Default for Player {
    fn default() -> Player {
        Player {
            name: "Unknown",
            health: 100,
            mana: 50,
            speed: 5.0

player = Player {
    name: "Hero",
    mana: 75,

// Result: Player { name: "Hero", health: 100, mana: 75, speed: 5.0 }
  1. If no Default implementation is found for the struct type:
  • Swamp iterates through each field that is not explicitly set during instantiation and fills them individually by:
    • Calling Default::default() on the field type.
    • Using built-in defaults for primitive types:
      • Int0
      • Float0.0
      • Boolfalse
      • T?none
      • String"" (empty string)

Example (No Default trait implementation):

struct Enemy {
    health: Int,
    damage: Int,
    name: String,
    speed: Float

enemy = Enemy {
    damage: 200,
// Result: Enemy { health: 0, damage: 200, name: "", speed: 0.0 }

Struct Field Access

You can access fields like variables, using a period (struct.field).

// Read field values
current_health =
can_cast = player.mana >= 20

Struct Field Assignment

Using mut, you can assign new values to fields, just like variables.

mut player = Player {
    position: Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 },
    health: 100,
    mana: 50,
    speed: 5.0

// Update fields -= 10        // Take damage
player.mana -= 20          // Use mana
player.position = Point { x: 10.0, y: 5.0 }  // Move player

Struct Implementation

Using impl you can attach member functions to Structs.

impl Player {
    /// Handle taking damage and effects
    fn take_damage(mut self, amount: Int) { -= amount
        if <= 0 {
   = 0
            self.state = State::Incapacitated

impl can also be used to attach functions used for associated function calls.

impl Player {
    /// Create a new player with default values
    fn new() -> Player {
        Player {
            position: Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 },
            health: 100,
            mana: 50,
            speed: 5.0


Tuples are similar to structs, but they are not constructed as you use them, and do not have Type names or field names. To use a Tuple, write one or more values inside regular parentheses ().

player_position = (2,1)
fn get_position() -> (Int, Int) {
    (10, 20)

x, y = get_position()


Enums let you define a Type that can be one of several variants. Each variant can optionally carry different types of data. They're great for representing things that can be in different states or categories.

Enum Definition

To define an Enum, write enum followed by its name (in uppercase CamelCase as it will become a Type) and a pair of curly brackets {}. Inside the brackets, you list each variant the Enum can be.

enum Item {
    // Simple variants (no data)
    // Tuple variants with data
    Weapon(Int, Float),    // damage, range
    Potion(Int),           // healing amount
    // Struct variants with named fields
    Armor {
        defense: Int,
        weight: Float,
        durability: Int

Enum Instantiation

item = Item::Armor { defense: 3, weight: 3.8, durability: 99 }

Enum Pattern Matching

You can pattern match an Enum and output different outcomes depending on what Type an Enum.

match item {
    // Simple variant matching
    Gold => { += 100
    Key => open_nearest_door(),
    // Tuple variant destructuring
    Weapon _, range => {           // Ignore damage

    Potion amount => { += amount
    // Struct variant destructuring
    Armor defense, weight => {
        if player.strength >= weight {
        } else {
            show_message("Too heavy!")

Optional Types

Optional types handle values that might or might not exist. They are represented by adding ? after any type. When an Optional has no value, it contains the literal value none.

Type Declaration

target: Entity?            // Current target

The ? suffix indicates that these variables might not have a value.

Usage Examples with Default Values

// Using ?? to provide default values
damage = equipped_weapon?.damage ?? 1     // Default to 1 if no weapon
name = target?.name ?? "No Target"        // Default to "No Target" if no target
x = spawn_point?.x ?? 0.0                 // Default to 0.0 if no spawn point

Optional Binding

// Using if to bind and check optionals
if equipped_weapon? {
    // weapon is now bound and available in this scope

// Can be used with else
if target = find_nearest_enemy()? {
} else {

Chaining Optionals

guild_name = player.guild?.get_name() ?? "No Guild"

leader_rank = player.guild?.get_leader()?.get_rank() ?? "No Rank"

spell_power = equipped_weapon?.get_enchantment()?.calculate_power() ?? 0

Control Flow

Control flow determines how your program runs. Swamp provides several ways to control the flow of your game.

If Expressions and Statements

In Swamp, every block is an expression that returns a value. This means you can use them on the right side of assignments. When an if doesn't have an else block, the missing path automatically returns Unit () (representing "nothing").

If Expression

// Both paths return Int
damage = if is_critical_hit {
    base_damage * 2    // Returns Int
} else {
    base_damage       // Returns Int

If Expression with Implicit Unit

// Type mismatch example
value = if has_powerup {
    100              // Returns Int
}                   // Implicit else returns ()
// 'value' type is unclear: Int or ()

While Loops

While loops keep running their code block as long as a condition is true.

mut projectile = spawn_projectile()
while projectile.is_active {

For Loops

// Update all entities
for enemy in enemies {

// Update all entities
for id, enemy in map_of_enemies {
    println("Updating enemy {id}")

Break and Continue

// Find first vulnerable enemy
for enemy in enemies {
    if enemy.has_shield {
        continue  // Skip to next enemy
    if enemy.is_in_range(player) {
        break     // Stop searching


fn find_health_potion(inventory: Inventory) -> Item? {
    for item in inventory.items {
        if item.is_health_potion() {
            return item    // Early return when found
    none                 // Return none if not found

Pattern Matching

Pattern matching is a powerful way to handle different cases in your code. It's like a super-powered if statement that can look inside complex types and handle multiple cases clearly.

Basic Patterns

match game_state {
    Playing => update_game(),
    Paused => show_pause_menu(),
    GameOver => show_final_score(),
    _ => show_main_menu()

Multiple Patterns

match item {
    // Simple variant matching
    Gold => { += 100
    // Tuple variant destructuring
    Weapon damage, range => {
        player.equip_weapon(damage, range)
    // Struct variant destructuring
    Armor defense, weight => {
        if player.can_carry(weight) {

Literal Patterns

// Numeric and string literals
match {
    100 => ui.show_status("Full Health"),
    1..10 => ui.show_status("Low Health!"),
    _ => ui.show_health(,

// Tuple patterns with literals and variables
match position {
    0, 0 => player.spawn_at_origin(),
    0, y => player.spawn_at_height(y),
    x, 0 => player.spawn_at_width(x),
    x, y => player.spawn_at(x, y),

// Struct patterns with literals
match entity {
    Player health: 100, mana: 100 => ui.show_status("Full Power!"),
    Player health: 0 => {
    Enemy health: 1 => {

// Enum patterns with data
match item {
    Gold => { += 100
    Weapon 0, _ => ui.show_status("Broken Weapon"),
    Weapon damage, range => player.equip_weapon(damage, range),
    Armor defense: 0 => ui.show_status("Broken Armor"),

Guard Patterns

match player_state {
    Attacking damage | has_power_up => 
        apply_damage(damage * 2),
    Attacking damage => 
    _ => ()


Binary Operators

// Arithmetic: +, -, *, /, %
remaining_health = health - damage

// Logical: &&, ||
can_attack = in_range && has_ammo

// Comparison: ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=
if player.mana >= spell.cost {

// Range: ..
for frame in 0..animation.frame_count {

Unary Operators

// Negation (-)
velocity.x = -velocity.x  // Reverse direction

// Logical NOT (!)
if !inventory.is_full {

Suffix Operators

// Optional unwrap (?)
if equipped_weapon?.can_fire {

current_target = find_nearest_enemy()?

Iterable Sequences

Swamp provides several ways to work with sequences of values in your game. You can loop through ranges of numbers, collections of items, or any other sequence using for loops.

Exclusive Range

// Countdown timer
for i in 3..0 {

Inclusive Range

for hp in 1..=max_health {

Array Iteration

for item in inventory {

Map Iteration

for player_id, score in high_scores {
    display_score(player_id, score)

Modules and Imports

The use Keyword

The use keyword allows you to import modules, types, and functions from other parts of your codebase. This helps organize your code and makes it easier to access functionality defined elsewhere.

The dot notation in module paths directly corresponds to the file system structure. Each dot represents a directory separator in the file path, and the module name is resolved to a .swamp file. For example:

  • use gameplay resolves to gameplay.swamp
  • use math.geometry resolves to math/geometry.swamp
  • use engine.physics.collision resolves to engine/physics/collision.swamp

Basic Module Import

// Import an entire module
use some_module

Nested Module Import

// Import from nested modules using dot notation
use math.geometry.something

Selective Imports

// Import specific items from a module
use math.geometry { utility_function, SomeType }

When you use selective imports, you can import multiple items at once by listing them inside curly braces. These imported items can then be used directly in your code without needing to prefix them with the module name.


Constants are fixed values that remain unchanged throughout the execution of your program. Unlike variables, which can be mutable or immutable, constants are inherently immutable and are intended for values that should not be altered once set. They are ideal for defining configuration parameters, fixed values, or any data that should remain consistent across different parts of your code.

Constant Definition

Use the const keyword followed by the constant name (in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE3) and assign it to an expression. Constants do not require explicit type annotations, as their types are inferred from the assigned values.

const MAX_HEALTH = 100
const PI = 3.1415
const WELCOME_MESSAGE = "Welcome to Swamp!"

constants can contain more complex expressions including function calls:

const DOUBLE_PI = 2.0 * PI
const STATS = StatsStruct::calculate_stats(42)


The with keyword creates a new scope with bound variables. It's useful for temporarily binding values or creating local aliases. It is almost like mini-functions. Can be useful if you have a longer function that does not make sense to split into smaller separate functions.

Only the specified variables are available inside the expression (block).

// defaults to something=something, another=another
with something, another { 
    something + another
    x + 3 // Fails, x is not a bound variable in the `with` block
with damage, mut health = mut {
    health -= damage // modifies
with target = mut enemies[0] {
    target.take_damage(10) // modifies the first enemy

Guard Expressions

Guard expressions in Swamp provide a concise and powerful way to evaluate multiple conditions and return a single result (or execute a block of code) based on the first matching guard. They are similar to if-else chains in other languages, but with a more pattern-like syntax. Each guard (| condition -> result) is checked in order. As soon as one guard condition is true, its associated expression is evaluated and returned. If no guard condition matches, a wildcard guard (_) can handle the remaining cases.

reward = 
    | score >= 1000 -> "Treasure Chest"
    | score >= 500  -> "Gold Coins"
    | score >= 100  -> "Silver Coins"
    | _ -> "No Reward"

Type Inference

Swamp automatically determines types from context, so you rarely need to write them explicitly.

You only need to declare types explicitly when:

  • Declaring function parameters and return types
  • Creating struct or enum definitions
  • When the compiler needs help understanding your intent

The compiler will tell you when explicit types are needed.